Upper Eggleston Banks

The Upper Eggleston Banks are a major bank spot downtown.

These are wide banks covered by bridges.  The best features are the hip, and the manhole, which are great for ollie/boneless tricks and stalls.  There's also a block on top, which is good for stalls (you'll need a lot of speed) or drops.  The banks empty into a large open area, so you can even do some bank surfing.

If you go near the south end of these banks, there is a sidewalk that leads up to Columbia Parkway, and is a cool run up to a bank, which is fun to cruise or do big bank tricks on.  It does go blind out into the street, which although rarely has traffic, its still good to have a spotter.

One thing to mention is that these spots, especially in the winter time, generally will have homeless people sleeping there.  I've never had any issues with homeless people down there, but its just good to have a heads up to be respectful and aware.

This gem is close to P&G Tower Banks.

LOCATION:  Downtown, where Culver and Butler streets meet.  Near Eggleston Avenue and the P&G Towers.